In order to support a healthy lifestyle, one must think about more
than eating right, regular exercise and taking vitamin supplements. A
healthy body needs a healthy home to give it the all-around support that
complements a healthy lifestyle - and choosing green cleaning products
can help.
Using harsh chemicals to clean contributes to unhealthy
air in the home, not to mention a mixture of dangerous chemicals ending
up in the septic system or the city sewage system. Increasing importance
is being made of using green cleaning products because of the concerns
over the health of our Earth. But, people need to realize starting their
environmental efforts at home is the best way to make a significant
difference toward establishing a healthy lifestyle. Different types of
natural products often work better than harsh chemical cleansers and by
doing so naturally, the environment will stay green longer. Thus the
reason green cleaning is becoming so popular for those committed to a
healthy lifestyle.
Many of the more effective green cleaning
products that contribute to a healthy lifestyle are those made with
enzymes and bacteria that safely and effectively remove organic stains
and odors. Grass, berry juices, blood and wine are perfect examples of
organic stains that are difficult to remove. Besides working on stains,
using all-natural enzymatic cleaners can actually break down organic
odor-producing molecules. These types of green cleaning products work on
stains and odors by attaching to the contaminant and breaking it into
two separate molecules, and therefore changing its chemical structure.
The stain or odor molecule is degraded and no longer has the
characteristics that made it a stain or an odor.
cleaners have unlimited uses for supporting a healthy lifestyle, from
removing odors caused by smoke, restrooms, trashcans, litter boxes,
nursery pails, kennels, etc. to removing stains, and all without
dangerous chemicals. The benefits of these green cleaning products are
obvious and include not having toxic odors in the house from cleaning
chemicals that are dangerous to inhale as well as to have on your skin
or in your eyes. Also, you are keeping your septic system in better
shape as well as your pipes that lead to it. More importantly, you don't
have to worry about residue from harsh cleansers affecting your healthy
lifestyle, or that of your family or pets.
Other enzyme green
cleaning products can be used specifically to break down the waste in
septic systems. For those people who have a septic tank in their yard,
if they have ever had to have it pumped, they know how expensive and
frustrating it can be. Using a waste degrader that not only uses
enzymes, but living bacteria, is a safe and extremely effective way to
consume liquefied waste, converting it into inert compounds like water,
carbon dioxide, and minimal solids, and protecting one's healthy
lifestyle. Organic wastes are things like cooking oils and grease, body
oils that come off in the shower or bath, and sewage from bathrooms.
Biodegrading this waste is a simple, safe and cost effective way to
prevent septic tank and drain field problems from arising.
what can you do about antifreeze, transmission oil, power steering
fluid, and motor oil leaks on your driveway and garage floor? The
typical cleaning solvents that are used are harsh, highly alkaline soaps
and hydrocarbon-based cleaners that are not compatible with a healthy
lifestyle. These solvents are toxic to humans, and once the leak is
cleaned up, the toxin-soaked rags are pitched into a waste can or bagged
for disposal in a landfill. In effect then, the problem is being
transferred initially to a different location in your home (hold your
breath!), only later to be deposited in a landfill at great long-term
expense to the public. Enzyme and bacterial green cleaning products
offer a solution to degrade the automotive fluids safely and
effectively. The problem is solved (or "dissolved and degraded") at home
and can be washed away with a little normal dish detergent and water.
cleaning products using enzymes can also be used in pools and spas.
They emulsify and digest skin oils, suntan lotions and other organic
contaminants, keeping the water clear and eliminating the host
environment or substrate that would allow the algae to grow. Using
enzymes in this way enhances a healthy lifestyle by reducing the amount
of chemicals, such as chlorine, needed to keep the water clean and in
turn helps to diminish the side effects of using those chemicals such as
stinging, watery eyes and itchy dry skin. Plus, the use of an
enzyme-based green cleaning routine assists in keeping the filter lines
clear and by following this green approach can save the consumer money
and time.
Another use for a green cleaning system involving
enzymes and bacteria that isn't commonly known is as soil conditioners
for lawns and gardens. Using fertilizers yearly is, simply put, a waste
of time and money - and can impact a healthy lifestyle in a negative
way. This is not to mention the run-off that goes into the streams,
rivers and lakes that supply drinking water. By using a soil conditioner
(enzymes and surfactants derived from bacteria), you can aerate and
oxygenate the soil in turn, breaking down the complex nutrients, feeding
the plants and grass by making the nutrients easily assimilated by the
A Healthy Lifestyle Requires a Healthy Home

Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5